Here are the commonly asked questions for the OINDAO V3

  1. Why has my collateral gone to 0 in the vaults? It is likely that you have been liquidated. Liquidation occurs when your Collateralization Ratio (C-ratio) reaches below 160%.

  2. Why my stablecoin are gone from the stability pool? Your stablecoins have been used to process liquidations, and in return you will have received proceeds from those liquidations. Check your "Rewards" page on the left to see and claim those proceeds.

  3. If I borrowed additional stablecoins, will my OIN reward go back to zero? No. Your rewards have already been allocated to your vault, and taking additional stablecoins will have no effect.

  4. How does the C-ratio work? The C-ratio is simply how much collateral you have per stablecoin borrowed, defined as: . If the C-ratio falls below 160%, you will be liquidated, so be sure to increase your ratio by either paying back some debt, or depositing more collateral.

  5. What should I keep my C-ratio as? There is no "correct" answer as users have their own risk tolerance levels and different uses of our platform. We do recommend however, that a healthy level as 300%, and recommend going no lower than 200%.

  6. What happen if my C-ratio is below than recommended? At below 200%, you are in higher risk of liquidation. For example, if the price of the collateral falls by 20%, your C-ratio will hit 160% and may be liquidated. Always keep an eye on your C-ratios to prevent liquidations.

  7. How much is the interest rate to borrow? The Stability Fee is currently at 2% / yr.

Last updated

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